Contact information
Below you can quickly find contact information for all of our locations. You can also read more about all of the locations under the ”Offices”-interleaf. If you are interested in working with us or looking for work you can reach us with the information below. Thank you!
Business co-operation and work applications
Tapio Kiuru
Social media
Ilari Keckman
Flexus Urheiluhieronta Töölö
Address: Savilankatu 1b, 00250 Helsinki
Open: by appointment between 8:00 - 21:00
Phone (business hours): +358 44 976 0925
Payment methods: The usual debit- and credit cards and Smartum, Edenred (app NOT card), Eazybreak and E-passi.
Note! We do not accept cash.
Email: tapio.kiuru@flexus.fi
Flexus Fysio Haaga
Address: Kaupintie 11a, 00440 Helsinki, 4th floor.
Open: by appointment between 8:00 - 21:00
Phone (business hours): +358 44 989 6251
Payment methods: The usual debit- and credit cards and also Smartum, Edenred (app only!), Eazybreak ja ePassi.
Note! We do not accept cash.
Email: tapio.kiuru@flexus.fi
Flexus Ruskeasuo Valo
Address: Mannerheimintie 109, 00280 Helsinki
Open: by appointment between 8:00 - 21:00
Phone: (business hours) +358 44 988 8108
Payment methods: the usual debit- and credit cards and also Smartum, Edenred (app ONLY!), Eazybreak and ePassi. Note! We do not accept cash.
Email: tapio.kiuru@flexus.fi
Flexus Hieronta Myyrmäki
Osoite: Liesitori 3, 01600 Vantaa
Aukioloajat: Sopimuksen mukaan klo 8:00 - 21:00 välillä.
Puhelin (aukioloaikoina): +358 45 346 3050
Maksutavat: Yleisimmät pankki- ja luottokortit sekä Smartum, Edenred, ja ePassi. Huom. emme ota vastaan käteistä.
Sähköposti: lassi.mehtomaa@flexus.fi
Job applications
We are always looking for professionals who wants to join our ambitious team. Contact us!